Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Make Flirting a Priority in Your Marriage

One weekend when our three grandchildren were here for a visit, our then five-year-old granddaughter noticed Bob patting me on my rear. I told her grandpa was just flirting with me. She smiled and said that was okay.

Flirting with your spouse is okay and it is natural and it is fun. Flirting with your spouse was in the news when Heidi Klum said she didn't flirt -- but she was talking about flirting with other people. It is apparent from other things that Heidi and Seal have said about their marriage that they do believe in keeping their marriage playful.

Heidi: "I don't flirt. Even if you don't actually touch someone or do anything to them, it's disrespectful to your husband. I would never do that. I'm very devoted, and he's the same."
Source: Heidi Klum: Flirting Would be Disrespectful To My Husband." HuffingtonPost.com. 1/14/2010.

What are your thoughts about flirting? Do you still flirt with your spouse? How do you flirt? Do you get upset if your spouse flirts with someone else? Please share how you flirt with your spouse.

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